Sunday, November 2, 2008

Ira Gollobin is a horror. For all his fine talk, he was a hateful, wicked man. Just read the story about this terrible, abusive hypocrite and be glad he wasn't your father or grandfather.Just read the story about this terrible, abusive hypocrite and be glad he wasn't your father or grandfather.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Wicked Father and Grandfather

Let's not mince words - Ira Gollobin was a self-centered, deluded little man who abused his daughter and granddaughter. On top of that, he thought he was one of the three most important men who ever lived (along with Jesus Christ and Karl Marx).

To read the whole story of this man's twisted beliefs, his frauds, and the damage he did to his family; please go to -

Saturday, August 30, 2008

Ira Gollobin was full of secrets - and not always in the "good" way. Please see the new page that reveals Ira Gollobin's insurance fraud decades ago. it is at

Also visit the main site to learn more about the Ira Gollobin you never knew. It is at

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Read about Ira Gollobin's secrets . . .

Just checkwhat he did to his family that he'd rather you didn't know. Please go to -

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

The Official Ira Gollobin Blog

There is much to know about the private side of Ira Gollobin. Not Ira Gollobin, the lawyer; but Ira Gollobin as a family man - and what he did to his family.

A great place to start is to read about Ira at